Monday 29 November 2010

Door Bang Sound

Here is a short video showing how I got the sound for the door banging sound nearer the end of my teaser trailer:

I will then import the audio on it's own into Logic Pro 9, cut the audio file down to just the sound that I need. I can then bounce the sound to a separate audio file and simply drag it into Final Cut to be used in my teaser.

Call Sheet

A call sheet is probably the most important document when it comes to filming. It is basically a roster of who has to be on set, what time they have to be on, what costumes they need, what props they need...
All of that sort of information will be on a call sheet and will definitely help greatly when it comes to filming the real thing.

In this I have included the days I filmed on, when I started filming, how long it took to do every shot, when I finished filming, the cast who had to be in on each day, the props needed and a list of all the shots to be filmed on that day separately.

The reason why the props list is short is because (simply) I didn't need that many. The shots are pretty much only of people as it is quite a psychological horror.

Click on the image to enlarge it.

Finally, here is a presentation showing my thought processes about locations, props, lighting, cast, costumes and anything else:

Monday 22 November 2010

Shot log

While doing the filming I needed to make this document to decide whether any shots needed to be filmed again or whether they were good enough. Below is a document to show this. It is the same layout as the shot list so the shots are in the same order as they are on the shot list:

Click on the image to make it clearer.

Monday 15 November 2010

Shot List

I realised quickly that after finishing my practise teaser, I had missed out three shots. Even though I had a storyboard to look at and work with, it doesn't help when you're filming them in a different order to what is on the storyboard.
To rectify this mistake and to improve the overall organisation of the filming, I will make three documents.
The first is a shot list, which will be below, the second is a shot lot and the final one being a call sheet.
The shot list is also explained below. The other documents will be explained in their own relevant posts.

A shot list is a document that gives a list of shots in the order that they will be filmed. Not in the order that they will appear in the teaser trailer or film. Below is my shot list:

Again, this is not in the order that the teaser trailer will be in. This is the order that it will be most convenient to film them in. When renting a camera, which would only be for one weekend, I would film the first three shots at home on the same day, then the next two shots on the same day but at the local park.
The rest of the shots will then be filmed the day after in the nearby town.

Friday 12 November 2010

Animatic Storyboard

Here is the finished animatic storyboard with a rough version of the soundtrack to go with the teaser: 

This post was supposed to go before the post containing the rough cut of the teaser, but due to a maintenance issue with YouTube at the time of uploading, I posted them in a different order.

Wednesday 10 November 2010

Practise teaser

Here is a rough cut of what my trailer will look like. Following this post will be a post containing some 'behind the scenes' of how I got some of the sounds within the teaser:

Due to it only being a practise I didn't use any costumes and didn't worry too much if someone laughed, because I didn't use the original sound of most of the clips.
Also some of the clips are not very well shot in terms of lighting, so I have learnt that I need to take things like this into as much careful consideration as anything else.

Change the video setting from 360p to 480p for better quality.