Wednesday 10 November 2010

Practise teaser

Here is a rough cut of what my trailer will look like. Following this post will be a post containing some 'behind the scenes' of how I got some of the sounds within the teaser:

Due to it only being a practise I didn't use any costumes and didn't worry too much if someone laughed, because I didn't use the original sound of most of the clips.
Also some of the clips are not very well shot in terms of lighting, so I have learnt that I need to take things like this into as much careful consideration as anything else.

Change the video setting from 360p to 480p for better quality.

Below is a short analysis of why I chose the shots that I did.

I wanted to start off with a long take to introduce the film and the couple at the start. The whole idea of the teaser was to start off slow and gradually speed up and become more fast-paced. I also wanted the dialogue to start before the video, as to act as a sort of introduction.

My original idea was to have one long take at the end as well, in a dark room of the main male character giving out a kind of distress call on the camera. However this idea was scrapped and I ended up just filming the torch breaking and then the door being burst open.
Also at the end I planned to have one long inter-title. I did make this, but after watching it now I realise that it doesn't work very well, so I shall place the inter-titles throughout the teaser to break it up a little bit.
I have also decided to have less static and to turn down the volume of the static, as it is very overpowering through the whole teaser.
To improve this teaser trailer I will need to re-order the clips in some way to group together the calm bits and the panic sections. I will also have something at the start, possibly an inter-title, to act as a sort of introduction to the film and it's genre.
I will also need to film more short, scary clips of people being dragged or killed to add more pace to the teaser.

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