Monday 29 November 2010

Call Sheet

A call sheet is probably the most important document when it comes to filming. It is basically a roster of who has to be on set, what time they have to be on, what costumes they need, what props they need...
All of that sort of information will be on a call sheet and will definitely help greatly when it comes to filming the real thing.

In this I have included the days I filmed on, when I started filming, how long it took to do every shot, when I finished filming, the cast who had to be in on each day, the props needed and a list of all the shots to be filmed on that day separately.

The reason why the props list is short is because (simply) I didn't need that many. The shots are pretty much only of people as it is quite a psychological horror.

Click on the image to enlarge it.

Finally, here is a presentation showing my thought processes about locations, props, lighting, cast, costumes and anything else:

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