Tuesday 14 December 2010

Better Editing

After some more editing, I managed to create a fairly real-looking pool of blood.
I tweaked and tweaked and got the right colour, along with a 'diffuse glow' effect in Photoshop.
Below is the final edit of the photo.

I am happy with how I have made the puddle look like blood, I now just need to add the appropriate text and captions to the poster, along with a final bit of editing, and I will have a film poster!

Monday 13 December 2010

No Luck...

I looked everywhere and couldn't find a broken camcorder anywhere. For this reason I had to settle for a fully functional one rented from school, which meant I had to keep the liquid separate from it. I rented out a camera from school and took it home to take a picture of it.

When I got home, I kept in mind that the floor in my toilet downstairs gave water a red tint to it in the blood shot of my trailer, so I decided to use it again. Below is the original picture taken:

Now obviously, the water doesn't look like blood, so I had a quick go at editing it red in Photoshop. While doing this I also had a go at editing it so that it looked like the water/blood was oozing out of the camera, like my original idea portrayed. Below, sadly, is the result.

I could see from this that, with a bit of editing time, I could make this water look a lot more like blood after I had found the right colour. But as you can see,  it doesn't look like it came from the camera.
Because of this, I scrapped that idea and decided to leave it as a puddle of blood next to the camera.

Ancillary Poster - The Beginning

I started thinking of some ideas for the film poster now and I had a pretty good one.
The idea was to have the focal point of the picture being a smashed and broken camcorder on the floor with blood spilling from it. So my next job was to now look for a broken camcorder to borrow.

In terms of the idea fitting in with the teaser trailer and creating a three piece promotional package (with the teaser trailer, the poster and the magazine when it is made), the camera, broken on the floor next to a puddle of blood represents death. The fact that the blood is on the floor next to the camera, but with no other people around poses the question that the blood may have come from the camera itself and that the camera is alive. This would then pose the question that the camera may have killed the characters. I wanted my teaser trailer to leave a lot of questions in the audiences head.
At the end of my teaser trailer I am thinking about putting a shot showing the camera on the floor, either been dropped or placed there (probably dropped), with a grainy effect on it showing a puddle of blood growing towards the lens. This would then be almost a direct follow-on to the poster as the picture of the camera on the floor next to the blood could be what the camera has seen last. This would then make these two products link together.

Tuesday 7 December 2010

The Bloody Shirt!

Here are a series of pictures showing the ingredients of the blood I used, and the shirt after it had been 'blooded'.

Firstly, here are the ingredients of my blood. I was originally going to use water, but that wouldn't have given the right kind of texture. So I thought of something with a thicker consistency, and Fairy Liquid seemed the best option. I put this in a bowl and added some red food colouring (this is starting to sound like a terrible recipe book). I also added some flour, after I took this picture to get a slightly dryer and thicker texture. The next picture will be of the bowl of blood.

I didn't make much of the blood, although this picture was taken after I had used it, and this is what was left over. As you can see, it actually looks quite believable!

Finally, here is what the shirt looked like. I put a bit more on after and filled in some of the gaps.
This is the shirt that Lewy wore when in the background and the shirt that my brother wore when standing and hitting the camera (in one of the quicker shots in the teaser.

A Presentation of Organisation

Yes, this powerpoint should have been put up somewhere earlier in the blog, but I though I better put it up now as opposed to not at all.
This, as the title says, is a short powerpoint to show my organisation. My thoughts on locations, props, costumes and other things along those lines:

Monday 6 December 2010

The Final Cut Arrange Window

As the title suggests, here is a screenshot of the arrange window in my Final Cut document.
I had too many regions to fit in one window, so I had to photoshop two pictures together. Below is the result:

As you can see the window is very busy, but it shows how my skills have developed and how I went from knowing literally nothing about Final Cut to being able to work with this many sounds and video regions.

While completing my coursework tasks this year I have learnt a lot about visual editing with the arrange window. Visual editing is when things you change can be watched as you change them, as opposed to having to export the product first. As my knowledge of visual editing and Final Cut in general grew, I could start to work with more and more clips of sound and video, hence the size of the arrange page above...

The Soundtrack

One of the other courses I take is music technology. Within this subject we use a piece of software called Logic Pro 9. It is a music editing software and it is how I made my soundtrack.
Most of the little sounds and ambient noises are loops from the loops library, but I made some of the music myself using my skills from this other subject. Below is a screen shot of the arrange window, showing all of the regions I created with sounds. I didn't use all of the sounds, but most of them have made an appearance in my teaser trailer:

Here it is...

The final teaser!
I won't babble on this time, here is the finished product:

Now here is where I babble...
You can probably see some major changes here. I have added a new shot, like I planned to do, which actually turned out really good. I desaturated and added distortion to this clip, the same as I did with the field clip with the character in the background.
The other major change is the wording of the inter-titles (again).
Because the last inter-title stood out the most, everyone who watched it thought that 'to survive' was the title of the film, when in fact the original idea was to have 'the last day' as the title.
I thought I would go with what my target audience said, but didn't think that 'to survive' was very good, so I changed the wording to make 'survival' the last inter-title, making that the title of the film.

One more shot?

Yes please.
I have an idea for another shot that will be played very quickly to help the pace of the teaser.
The shot that I have in mind is of the girl featured in my teaser being dragged across the floor again, but away from the camera down a hallway of sorts, into the darkness. I am taking a camera out for a week to do this shot, as I have other plans for the camera to do with the ancillary task... But I will explain more on that later on.

Second Draft of Teaser

Here is a second draft of my teaser trailer.

One of the major changes is that I have taken out the inter-title saying 'for Earth'. The reason for this is that from some of my feedback (and from some of my own opinion) I learnt that talking about Earth as a whole makes the film seem like an alien film or a different form of science fiction. I originally chose 'for Earth' because I couldn't think of anything else and it was the only thing that created a certain 'horror' impact. I then thought of humanity because it makes even more of an impact, but this time it's the right kind of impact.

I re-did the inter-titles on LiveType, so they now don't get cut when they scroll across. This has also now enabled me to cross over the words 'for' and 'humanity', giving a greater effect.
Here is the result:

Wednesday 1 December 2010

A busy busy day...

Luckily, the school had a 'digging deeper day' today, which means five hours of media! (Woo!)
Within these five hours, the whole class had a sit down to show each other our rough teaser trailers.
Due to my hard working nature, I had an almost finished cut of my teaser.
Some of the comments I got included:

"There is a lot of areas in the teaser where it is just black and nothing is happening." - I could easily rectify this by closing the gaps between shots. It's not so much that there are gaps, it's more that the handles of shots sometimes go on for too long.

"There is a little bit too much footage after the last inter-title." - I could see where they were coming from from my research of teasers. Most teasers that do include inter-titles only have one or two more shots after the last inter-title, sometimes not any shots. I re-jumbled the order and put the last 'survive' inter-title in between the 'dark' shot and the 'blood' shot at the end, finishing with the 'blood' shot.

"The inter-titles sometimes get cut." - To change this, I did the inter-titles again in a program called 'LiveType'. This is a program specifically designed to make inter-titles or regular titles. It was actually a lot easier and it worked well.

These were the only major comments that I got, a minor point was just volume levels, which I planned to do after I knew I had the teaser pretty much finished.

Teaser Mark 01

This is a first draft of what my teaser trailer will look like.